Tuesday 10 January 2012

Last Sunday during altar call. Pastor Phillip Huan was inviting people to come forward

if they are having etc, struggles/problems in their life. I felt like God was speaking

to me asking me to go up front. But i was afraid. Then i prayed and told Him how great

it would be if someone would to go up with me. Less then a moment later a name came

into my mind. It was Donnie!!! After that i turned my head to the right and look who i

saw!!! DONNIE!!! I was like OMG it can't be!! That's fast! So i quickly turn away,

looking elsewhere hoping he would not see me. But Donnie approached me. He asked me to

go to the front. He wants to pray for me. I was shock and amazed at the same time.

So amazed by how fast Jesus replies me. Really amazing.

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