Saturday 3 March 2012

Breaking out of the nutshell..

Hmmm seems like i'm mostly awake at night.

Anyway YAY's 1st anniversary is coming, 10th March is the date. The thought of wanting

to help out in it came into my mine. But which area can i help out in? I wonder...

It didn't take too long before Debbie asked if i wanted to help her in ''DANCING''

O.O dancing? I rejected her cause its beyond me to dance in front of everyone.

Heh.. But this didn't once slip out of my mind. The thought seems to be stuck in my

head. I was asked again to do it but i rejected it again.. And then came a whisper

into my ears, asking me to step out of my comfort zone. I spoke to God regrading

this, and i came to realized that We only live life ONCE why restrict ourselves to

do things we are afraid of? Wouldn't it be great if we could do things without

restricting ourselves? Just don't think so much and just have fun. Seeing everyone

putting effort in it makes me wanna have a go at it as well.. I'm gonna try my best.

Stepping out of my comfort zone once again.. I'm sure everyone and i will have fun.


Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

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